ATPL Theory distance
Do the ATPL theory at your convenience. This is a distance learning course with Swedish and English-speaking teacher support through Teams and email.
Distance ATPL(A) Theory
You study the course remotely with a total of 53 hours of instructor-led hours through Microsoft Teams. A total of three trips to our premises is required for exam preparation, school tests and CAA exams. The entire course is completed in 12 months, assuming 20 hours per week of studying. You will have access to teachers through email and Microsoft Teams during the entire course.
Upon completion of your ATPL theory we have favourable package deals for CPL/ME/IR as well as A-UPRT and APS-MCC.
Entry requirements
- Valid ICAO PPL
- English Language proficiency lowest ICAO level 4
- Basic knowledge in maths and physics
- Be at least 18 years old
Course starts
25 Augusti, 2025
Course price
EUR 3,995 / SEK 45,995:-
Prices including PadPilot and AviationExam.
Costs for CAA fees and exam are not included.
Theoretical knowledge:
- Air law (ALW)
- Aircraft General Knowledge (AGK)
- Flight Performance and Planning (FPL)
- Human Performance and Limitations (HPL)
- Meteorology (MET)
- Navigation (NAV)
- Operational Procedures (OPS)
- Principles of Flight (POF)
- Communications (COM)
- Area 100 KSA
All subjects are divided into 3 blocks.
On distance
A total of 3 trips to Skellefteå are required for the CAA exam and the KSA100 course.