

Summer campaign!

Book your seat on our CPL/ME/IR course this summer and save 10%

Contains 10 hours in single-engine airplane (Tecnam P2010tdi), 28 hours in multi-engine airplane (DA42-VI) and 30 hours in a FNPTII simulator.

Contains 38 hours in multi-engine airplane (DA42-VI) and 30 hours in a FNPTII simulator.  

The offer is limited to 5 seats and applies to the first 5 students who sign a training contract for the CPL/ME/IR with course start May 20 or June 24.

Expenses included: Accommodation in a student room on campus, fuel, navigation and landing fees, airplane rental for skilltest, uniform, shuttle to/from the airport, supporting materials, classroom theory and computer-based training.

Pre-interview assessment for airline interviews and pre-interview simulator access included.

We provide the add-on modules A-UPRT and APS-MCC as well. Please inquire for start dates and details.
After completing CPL/ME/IR, A-UPRT, and the APS-MCC modules, you are ready to apply for an airline job! Green Flight Academy provides the opportunity for a preferential recommendation to our partner Braathens Airlines (BRA), based in Sweden and Austria.


Entry requirements:

  • EASA medical class 1
  • Completed ATPL Theory
  • Have at least 164 hours totalt flight time
  • Have at least 100 hours PIC, of which 50 hours CC PIC
  • EASA Night Rating (we can provide Night Rating)


Accommodation included! Accommodation included!