Green Flight Academy's Fleet

Our flight training is done with the latest green technology where we focus on the lowest possible emissions in flight training.

Pipistrel Velis Electro

Green Flight Academy uses the first certified electric airplane, Pipistrel Velis Electro, for basic flight training. This new all-electric airplane is a game-changer for carbon-neutral flight training.

The airplane is a high wing, two-seat design with two battery packs that gives a range of 50 minutes plus reserve. With a fast-charging station installed at Skellefteå Airport a charging cycle takes 45 minutes, giving time for de-briefing and briefing of the following air exercise.

Velis Electro is not only emission-free, but also very quiet compared to a traditional training aircraft. With new electric commuter airliners coming to the market in the near future it is a great advantage to have flown electric airplanes during your basic flight training.

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Tecnam P2010 TDI

GFA has two brand new Tecnam P2010 TDI and has an option for three more for 2024. The P2010 TDI is a modern, high-wing, fuel-efficient aircraft equipped with Continental CD170 (170 hp) and Garmin G1000Nxi with integrated autopilot GFC700. The P2010 TDI has the longest range and lowest fuel consumption of the entire Tecnam fleet.

With a consumption of only 5.2 US Gal per hour (less than 20 litres), this is one of the most fuel-efficient and sustainable options on the market.


We use a brand new DA42-VI (2023) New Generation in our multiengine training. Its impressive fuel efficiency and TKS de-icing system makes it an ideal advanced trainer at Green Flight Academy.

The DA42 has 4 seats, convenient access, panoramic canopy and a G1000 NXi glass cockpit with an integrated 3-axis GFC700 autopilot and yaw damper.

American Champion 7ECA

Our American Champion 7ECA is used for A-UPRT (Advanced Upset Recovery Training) and spin training. Upset recovery training is mandatory for all commercial pilots.

American Champion 7ECA is a high wing aerobatic airplane with two seats in tandem configuration. The particular model we use has a 100hp engine that has the lowest fuel consumption of the different engine options available. Currently there are no electric or diesel airplanes on the market which are approved for aerobatic or negative g-load manoeuvres, so we make use of the most sustainable option available.